XL Grain

Thursday, 6 July 2023

XL Grain® is a supplementary feed that improves cereal grains (wheat, barley, triticale, grain corn) intended for the ration of dairy cows in production, growing heifers or fattening cattle.

XL Grain® increases the protein level by 45% of the grain, and the pH increase to 9 units makes it possible to increase the proportion of grain in the rations without the risk of acidosis. Farm grains are valued and feed costs are reduced through fewer purchases of soybean or rapeseed meal.

1 kg treated cereal = 110 g soybean meal or 140 g rapeseed meal saved

XL Grain® provides:

XL Grain® is mixed with mature cereals (barley, wheat, oats, triticale, grain corn) and water depending on the moisture content of the cereal (optimum moisture level 18% to 20%) at harvest or during storage, using a mixer to obtain the expected enzymatic reaction.

Breeders’ approach to greater nutritional autonomy is justified by the use of Vitalac’s product… The protein purchased (soybean/rapeseed) represents approximately 50% of the cost of the ration in dairy or finishing cattle. Hence, it is evident that the breeders produce a fraction of the protein required for the rations. Each kilogram of grain treated with XL Grain® saves 135 g of soybean meal while increasing the percentage of starch in the rations in complete safety.

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